Monday, February 13, 2017

Kingdom Hearts Primer - Kingdom Hearts 2 - Episode 3 - The Belt That Strangles Nomura's Head

Today, we watch teenage children beat the stuffing out of each other in a legally sanctioned blood sport.

We erroneously say it's been two years since the events of Kingdom Hearts 1. This is a lie, it has actually been 1 year in Kingdom Hearts time.

Aside from that, we spend most of this episode talking about the Struggle, and trying to get Sam up to speed on the many Ansem's of Kingdom Hearts. To recap:
  • There's the original Ansem: Ansem the Wise. This man was the person who ruled Hallow Bastion with benevolence.
  • He took an apprentice, who would betray him and take his name, becoming the heartless known as "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness" that Sora fought in Kingdom Hearts 1.
  • When "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness" became a heartless, he left behind a nobody, who would take the name Xemnas.
Confused yet? Don't worry, that's normal.

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