Monday, February 27, 2017

Kingdom Hearts Primer - Kingdom Heart 2 - Episode 8 - Your Army Sucks!

We start the Disney worlds... and the parts not really relevant to the primer.

First things first, I said that Eddie Murphy did the voice of Mushu here. That was completely wrong. It's a soundalike.

Sam and I have talked for a very long time about how we're going to tackle these Disney worlds. In a series where our goal is to comment on and explain the main story of Kingdom Hearts, these Disney worlds, especially in Kingdom Hearts 2, are mostly filler.

I'm also really annoyed that the world scenarios are, more often than not, straight up rehashes of the movies they are "inspired" by. The only real difference is that Sora, Donald, and Goofy are added to it in ways that read like bad fan-fiction.

Bottom line, these worlds just weren't fun to comment on, and not much happens that pertains to the main story.

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