Friday, April 24, 2015

The Texture Pop: Episode 37: Alien Dildos

Sam and Garrett were unable to join us for this episode for various reasons. (You know how it is with various reasons.) So, Chris and I held the fort.

Also, we still don't have any viewer questions. If you would like to submit a question or comment to be read on the air, please send it to

0:01:30 Gaming News
Gamespot to Experiment with Retro Games
Like most of these types of news stories, it is hard to say how good/bad it is until after the changes get implemented.

Mortal Kombat's First Canonically Gay Character
I'm still waiting for the day that news like this is no longer a big deal. Until then, it's always nice to be a little more inclusive.

The Unity Engine Now Supports the 3DS and 3DS XL
Given now Nintendo doesn't often support smaller devs, so this is a good move. Considering how badly the company flubs in other areas, this is well-needed PR.

0:18:55 I got a new laptop.
The old one was about 4 years old now, so honestly I'm more than due for an upgrade. Still, that doesn't mean that I was particularly happy about shelling out $650 for a new system. Ah well, one must make lemonade out of lemons, as they say.

0:23:50 I linked an article on Reddit, and then Kotaku linked to it.
The Reddit link is here, and the Kotaku link is here.
Needless to say, it may me really happy.

0:27:50 I finished a lot of Joss Whedon's old TV shows this week.
I've been gradually chipping away and both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off, Angel, for a number of months now. Since Firefly was only 13 episodes, and my laptop was out of commission, so watching it on my PS4 was really one of the only sensible uses of my time.
I enjoyed all of those shows, and Joss Whedon's writing is top notch. Like I said in the podcast, his dialog feels very natural. Also, he's very self-aware of the tropes and cliches that he is both using and subverting.
As an aside, it's funny to see Chris fumble in a conversation about TV shows.

We also talk about the act of TV watching in the general sense in this segment.

0:43:30 Chris played South Park: The Stick of Truth.
And we somehow got a full 20 minutes worth of conversation about it, despite my complete disinterest in South Park.

1:05:00 Wrapping up.
Interactive Friction: Tomb Raider (2013) is now complete. You can see the whole season here.

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