Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Kingdom Hearts Primer Announcement + Hitman Schedule Shift

Ladies, gentleman, and all other persuasions, we at Interactive Friction are pleased to announce our new project. That's right, Sam and I are back at it!

Welcome.... to Kingdom Hearts.

A long while back, Sam and I were talking about how he didn't really understand the plot to Kingdom Hearts, while I did. So, in anticipation of Kingdom Hearts 3, we decided to do a series on the plot of the series, such as it stands.

We couldn't have anticipated what a colossal undertaking this would turn out to be. Ultimately, the recording of this series is ongoing and it will likely be the most ambitious Interactive Friction project to date.

The idea will be to release new episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, starting next week. To accommodate this, the Hitman (2016) LP will transition to a Tuesday/Thursday schedule.

Get excited, guys. This is going to be quite the ride!

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