Sunday, January 11, 2015

Interactive Friction: Far Cry 3: Episode 1: Work on Your Shooting

Welcome to this new joint venture between myself and my cohort Sam Callahan, from The Texture Pop. Those of you who watched shows like Spoiler Warning, or my first such venture, Disclosure Alert, already have an idea of what this will be.

Like those shows, this will be using a Let's Play format to discuss the many elements of the game. These discussions are completely unscripted, off the cuff conversations, based on what is going on in the game. Spoilers for the game are to be expected as a result. For example, if we end up talking about the game's ending just because that's where the conversation is going, we're going to just let the conversation takes its course.

Our first game, because it's a game that both of us wished to cover, is Far Cry 3.

Now, without further ado, we present the premiere of Interactive Friction.

I'm going to be honest, the intro cutscene already really made me dislike the protagonist, Jason Brody, and his friend. The kind of people who go out and party all the time, drinking heavily and preforming dumbass stunts, are not the kind of people I like to associate with in real life. I am sure that they aren't bad people, but they annoy me.

Another thing I want to mention about the primary cast is that it seems like it would make more sense for Grant to have been the protagonist, instead of Jason. After all, he's a trained soldier for the US Military, back from his tour. He would have already known how to kill, and it would be more fitting for him to be treated as a warrior. Jason's shift from nobody to warrior is so abrupt that it strains credibility.

On the other hand, Vaas serves as an extremely interesting secondary protagonist. You could be forgiven for thinking he's the real villain, but he's not even the second-in-command. The actual villain is significantly less interesting, which makes the second half of the game really unsatisfying.

Another noteworthy thing that we talked about in the episode is how little sense it makes for a slavery/ransom operation this big, who took so many large, noteworthy targets, to remain operational. If they have stayed in Rook Island for so long, they would have been invaded and stopped by various governments long before it got this large.

We also meet Dennis in this episode. This whole scene with Dennis leads to a whole bunch of problems. He gives Jason a tattoo, then says that since he was given a tattoo, he is going to become a legendary warrior. Then, he gives Jason a machete and money for a pistol, because why not.

There's also a fun fact with the line "You have the right to take my life, but know that I will also take yours." Originally, Jason was going to go for a pistol he already had on him before Dennis pointed that machete and spoke that line. In that context, the line makes sense. Now, it feels out-of-place, even when you consider how dumb the rest of the scene is.

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